Jun 2, 2012

Cameras early

History of the camera

Cameras early

16th and 17th century were able to project images onto paper or glass but the study of capturing, processing and printing the images took many more years. Until the 17th century, scientists believed that light was composed mainly of "white" that is perceived by the human eye. It took the research done by famous physicist Isaac Newton discovered that light is actually composed of a spectrum of colors. Then he made a great contribution to the study of optics (which is the heart of the camera advances) with this discovery, Newton did not really have anything to do with development soi.La camera camera early as the first became a phenomenon a little more than a pinhole camera and can be traced back to 1558. It was called the Camera Obscura. The Camera Obscura was seen as a drawing tool for a clearer and realistic objects. He was in the early 19th century that the invention named the Camera Lucida was introduced by Cambridge scientist William Hyde Wollaston that consisted of an optical device that could help an artist view a distant scene or person or object on a paper surface that he or she was using to draw. In other words the artist gets to view a superimposed image of a subject on paper and this image could be effectively used to try to draw, paint or draw. Both the Camera Obscura and the Camera Lucida provided an image that was temporary, which could not be lastingly captured on paper for reference ultérieure.Des studies, however, continued well into the 1800s on how to actually capture the image on a material. It was during this time, around 1822 that French researcher Joseph Nicephore Niepce, created the first photograph by using paper that has been coated with a chemical. The image would not stay permanently on paper and would disappear after a short time. Even if, despite the ephemeral nature of the image, the concept of photography was born with this experiment and paved the way for further study and development in this domaine.Capture images to keep them around and permanently became the next big quest for researchers. Another French Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre partnered with Joseph Niépce in 1829 to develop the process of creating permanent photographs. Joseph Niépce died in 1833 but Daguerre continued the work and succeeded in 1837 after years of experimentation. The process of capturing photographic images that would not disappear, introduced by Daguerre came to be known as the "daguerreotype." "Photograph" The word was coined by scientist Sir John FW Herschel in 1839 and is in fact is derived from the light direction 'photos' two Greek words and draw meaning "graphein". slightly more advanced version called the daguerreotype calotype process that makes multiple copies possible using the negative and positive method became available shortly after. In fact, it was during the 1840s that the use of photographic images in advertisements and the cameras began their mark on the power of visual communication. It was not much later, in the 1850s that photographers began experimenting with underwater photography of marines.Jusqu 'in 1850, the process of capturing images was cumbersome requiring up to one half hour of exposure of light. The discovery made in 1851 by Frederick Scott Archer was a blessing since the new method called the collodion process called for just 2-3 seconds of light exposure to capture a image.Avant 1871, photographers went through a development process where they had to cover the plate with wet chemical each time and process the image immediately. With the invention, the dry process gelatin silver bromide plate by Richard Leach Maddox, negatives did not have to be implemented immediately. It was an important finding because until then the captured image had to be treated immédiatement.Kodak created in 1888 by George Eastman was a pioneer of modern times in all kinds of cameras and photography for the masses. George Eastman and the scientists who worked with him at Kodak developed the photographic film in 1889 and made available in rolls for use in mass consumer. An important step in our entertainment and communication history was the development of transparent roll film by Eastman. This development led to another key invention - the motion picture camera by Thomas Edison in 1891.

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